Gummies 4 Your GUT

Today I’m exploring a super yummy way to heal your gut with gummies. All sorts of gummies, anti-inflammatory gummies, soothing and demulcent gummies and more. In a clinical setting we call them ‘pastilles’….am I making you hungry? And they’re combinations of herbs, water and gelatin. But let’s not do anything by halves here! I’ve got some amazing recipe ideas for you and we’ll add in some extra healthy ingredients to make sure you get colourful, good consistency gummies at the end of this gustatory fling!

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Delicious + Healing Dog Gravy

Dog Gravy

Here’s a fabulously easy and delicious medicinal recipe for your pets, to enhance their nutrition, skin health and hair as well. Like us, our pets are having to deal with being exposed to lots of unfamiliar chemicals in their environments, even in the home. Their little (or large) bodies aren’t really well equipped to deal with this, but you can boost their vitality and feed them green-power with this Ayurveda inspired Dog Gravy. 

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Gut-loving Golden Loaf with Feta & Dandelion

golden loaf

Hey gut lovers. This is the ultimate loaf. I cook this one up when we have guests over, and everyone wants the recipe. I cook it religiously every week and it covers me for breakfast AND lunch every day. What I love about this golden loaf is its cleansing, fibre boosting and anti-inflammatory qualities. I also love that it fills me up. You’ll be hard pressed to be able to eat two slices of this at once. Why? It’s not that it’s a big loaf, but because it’s got all of the six tastes: salty, sweet, astringent, pungent and bitter. So it truly satiates. It hits all the right notes! All of this in a 1 hour baked loaf. Amazing! Here’s the recipe.

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Rose Pudding with Cardamom Syrup and Rhodiola & Pistachio Crumble

rose cardamom rhodiola pudding

Photo: Sulin Sze 2022               

Making a sweet, dreamy and healthy treat with loving intention is what this recipe is all about. Let’s find our way to our collective heart with Rose, and build our inner resilient warrior with Rhodiola.  The perfume of Roses, Cardamom and Rhodiola will fill the sacred air around you, and you’ll find your heart opening, as you move step by step through the recipe. This is my favourite place people, my kitchen is my garden today and I’m ready to smell the flowers. So read on to find out how to make the ultimate herb-lovers dessert, with Rose, Cardamom and Rhodiola.

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Hearty Spiced Butter Beans

Hearty Spiced Butter Beans

Here’s a dish that you can whip up in 15 minutes and it’s guaranteed to satiate the hungriest of tummies. It’s perfect for Autumn and Winter, even early Spring. It’s also not too spicy so the kids can enjoy it as well. Based on Indian curry spices, this has become a favourite in our household here and we have it every week because of its simplicity and flavour. Find out how to make these delicious curried butter beans….

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3 step Herbal Goddess Tonic Pills

Goddess Tonic Pills

Photo: Sulin Sze

Somewhere in the birth of a warm Spring morning, gestating among birdsong and sweet Jasmine aroma wafting through the kitchen window, triggered by a craving for figs…..came this recipe. This is a vigour boosting recipe for large herbal ‘pills’ that are pretty much medicines parading as bliss balls. They contain herbs that enhance stress response and physical energy, lifting your health potentials in a broad way. Between the fruits, nuts and powders, there’s a whole lot of nutrition and goodness in them. I explain why I called them Goddess Tonic Pills in the video, and show you step by step how to make them so without further adieu, let’s step into our healing kitchen….

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Reflux Busting Smoothie

herbs for reflux

Relieve the searing discomfort of indigestion with this delicious blend of reflux busting herbs and fruits. It makes a great healing tonic to sip at through the day, and it’s suitable for kids and adults. In this post learn about the properties of the herbal medicines Marshmallow and Licorice, and why they’re so great at relieving the discomfort of indigestion. Wondering where to get these herbs? Most health shops will have them, and failing that, you can find them online in dried form. Now get that blender ready, there’s a fabulous recipe coming up!

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Delicious Shiitake Immunity Fritters

Shiitake and Cauliflower Immunity Fritters

Welcome back to my healing kitchen. This little beauty was an experiment and turned out so fab I had to share. It was one of those ‘use whatever’s in the fridge’ kind of days and there was a head of cauliflower, some spring onions and carrots and that got me feeling rather oriental and wanting to make something with a touch of Asia and spice. It ended up being the most deliciously savoury, golden, mushroomy patties and they were a cinch to make. So roll your sleeves up, get the food processor ready, I’ll tell you all about Shiitake, what a wonder-fungus it is for your immune system, and how to make these yummy Shiitake Immunity Fritters…

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