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Daily Recipe for inner CALM

Follow these 12 steps to relieve anxiety and generate a sense of harmony and inner calm for your day


  • 1+ willing participant (that's you)
  • 1 Access to an area with trees
  • 1 Somewhere comfortable to sit or lie down


  • Deep Belly Breathing on Waking: Set your morning alarm 10 minutes early and spend that time in bed practicing your belly breathing. You can listen to my CALM meditation(or just to silence if you prefer). When you’re finished, you’ll be nice and calm to start the day.
  • Dadirri. Tread the earth (grass,sand, soil) first thing in the morning for a few minutes. Do in your pj's if you like. Spend 15minutes practicing Dadirri (deep listening). Sit in your garden or somewhere in nature in silence while you listen to the sounds of nature. This will generate a greater capacity for inner silence and attunement.
  • Forest Bathe: At some point in the day, head out for a walk in nature. This could be your daily Forest/Bush/Tree bath .... or just some way that you can immerse yourself in nature and wash away all the stress. Perfect for lunchtime or late afternoon when our energy tends to naturally dip. You might also like dance, yoga, shaking or other movement practices like Tai Chi.
  • Throughout the day: Commit to removing refined sugars from your diet today. Nothing artifically sweetened! No sweets, chocolate or soft drinks.
  • Sit comfortably for 10-20minutes, find a slow, rhythmic breath and repeat your mantra 108 times. Whenfinished, remain in stillness for 5 minutes and feel the vibrations of themantra permeate within you.
  • Make a cup of Chamomile tea using 6g dried flowers in 250mL hot water. Sit back and sip yourself into bliss.