Delicious Shiitake Immunity Fritters

Shiitake and Cauliflower Immunity Fritters

Welcome back to my healing kitchen. This little beauty was an experiment and turned out so fab I had to share. It was one of those ‘use whatever’s in the fridge’ kind of days and there was a head of cauliflower, some spring onions and carrots and that got me feeling rather oriental and wanting to make something with a touch of Asia and spice. It ended up being the most deliciously savoury, golden, mushroomy patties and they were a cinch to make. So roll your sleeves up, get the food processor ready, I’ll tell you all about Shiitake, what a wonder-fungus it is for your immune system, and how to make these yummy Shiitake Immunity Fritters…

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Delicious Chickpea & Sweet Potato Curry

chickpea curry

It was one of those quiet, cool winter mornings when I thought of making this delicious, body-warming dish and you’ll love the ease of digestability with this one. It’s got just the right blend of warming and carminative spices to soothe the digestion system and make easy work of metabolizing and drawing all that protein and goodness out of the food. So what’s in this afternoon delight? Let’s see…

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Chickweed Pesto

Chickweed Pesto

Here’s a fabulously SIMPLE and easy way to create a vitamin C rich pesto sauce or dip with Chickweed. Read on to learn about the medicinal properties of Chickweed and be amazed at how nutrient dense this silky, delicate plant actually is. 25% of your daily protein intake? You bet!

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